Who we are
Our website address is: https://elementarmour.co.za
What personal data we collect and why we collect it
We believe strongly in protecting user privacy. We make every effort to ensure the security and integrity of your account
You understand that security still relies heavily on the use of a username and password and undertake to contact us at once if you believe your username and password have been compromised, or if someone has transferred or may transfer money from your account without your permission.
We strongly suggest that you use a web browser with 128-bit encryption or better. However, regardless of whether you use a web browser with security features or not, we unable to guarantee that data transmitted and is secure and/or will not be intercepted by third parties.
You agree that the Company shall be entitled, at all times, to take all reasonable steps to ensure the integrity and security of the Site, including associated applications.
The content contained on the Site may be used by you for your own personal shopping and information purposes only. In using the Site you warrant that you shall not infect it with any computer programming (such as a virus) that may damage, interfere with, delay or intercept any data or information on the Site and you hereby indemnify the Company for any damage caused by any act attributable to you. Any person that delivers or attempts to deliver any damaging code to this Site or attempts to gain unauthorised access to any page shall be prosecuted.
Privacy & information security policy
You agree to keep your information safe and to not disclose it to any unauthorized third party. You further agree that we cannot be held liable for any damages or loss sustained by you as a result such information becoming known to third parties, whether through your actions or through fraud, malware or phishing. We reserve the right to suspend any account that we believe may have been compromised accordingly. You must notify us immediately if you believe that your information has been processed without your permission, please don’t hesitate to contact us.